
Daniel Brush: Thinking about Monet
Daniel Brush: Thinking about Monet
Carrie Mae Weems: The Shape of Things
Vince Leo: Remembered as a Blessing
Carrie Mae Weems: Kitchen Table Series
Platon: The Defenders. Now Available.
Daniel Brush: Thinking about Monet. Now Available.
Carrie Mae Weems: The Shape of Things. Now Available.
Vince Leo: Remembered as a Blessing. Now Available.
Carrie Mae Weems: Kitchen Table Series. Now Back in Print
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Discover Remembered as a Blessing: Visitation Stones in Jewish Cemeteries by photogapher Vince Leo

Vince Leo began taking photographs of “visitation stones” after several people close to him died in quick succession, and he found himself enacting the ritual of grief over and over. Remembered as a Blessing contains 30 of Leo’s black and white photographs, which honor these stones as the complex objects they are: simultaneously hard, durable, pieces of matter and embodiments of ineffable spiritual relationships.

In The Press

Lenscratch Publisher's Spotlight: MW Editions

In this interview with Lenscratch, the online fine art photography publication, MW Editions co-founder Amy Wilkins shares her perspective on the contemporary photo book landscape.

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